Thursday, July 16, 2009

God Loves Us Very Specifically!!!

"I am desperate for you to be desperate for me!" -Jesus

"Our job is to carry radical mercy into the nations." Heidi spoke on this the other day in class and it really hit me. What does carrying radical mercy look like? I asked God to reveal to me what it would look like to live my life responding out of mercy instead of reacting out of my flesh. He has been teaching me each day something new. I have been waking up and praying that the Lord would soften my heart and show me how to show mercy. The amazing thing is, as we show mercy we receive mercy. What is even more amazing is, He gives us grace to receive mercy. Our Dad in heaven is so patient with us. Ahhh He is so good. He doesn't mind taking His time teaching us.

So, this past week the topic arose that none of us have wanted to talk about... "What day are you leaving?" It is so weird that we are almost to graduation. I would love to hug and squeeze each of you and have a hot shower, really a SHOWER in general, but other than that I could stay here forever. Life here is so simple and I love it so much. But, since it is inevitable, I have allowed myself to think about coming home and God has filled me with such excitement. I can not wait to apply all that He has shown me while here to my everyday life at home. I love you guys so much! I will be seeing you all very very soon!!!Your prayers and comments are so encouraging!

love you!!!


  1. i pretty much want to squeeze you too (but not until after you've had a shower!) and know how hard it is to come home. i'm sure God is preparing your heart and He will meet you just like He's met every other matter of this time in africa. i'm so excited for you and cannot wait to hear how He is transforming you.
    you haven't missed much here in knoxville. we have a new lucinda (i bet you met her before you left) her name is laura and you're going to love her. our girls have been in and out and in and out and abby katie and julia are going to basic blowout with carol on saturday.
    i don't know what the time difference is for you from here, but at 11 am on saturday, i'm leading a pr*yer walk downtown for ch*na. i've invited a bunch of people, but who knows. i may be walking alone but it doesn't matter. if you think of it or if it works into your schedule, you could join us on our walk, too! the ch*na team is there right now (including abigails daddy) and will be p-walking through the dong village the same day as us. they are in dongywood right now!!
    that's just a glimpse of what we've (or i've) been up to. not nearly the same as you, but isn't it cool that God is with all of us all over this big ole globe?? crazy thought for sure!
    i love you (sorry for the novel) and can't wait to hug you and see all your photos and hear all your stories. you better map out about a month for me, i guess!!

  2. Wow! Can't wait to have time to hear and take in your life these past weeks. It will mean so much for you to share it with us. Blessings to you and all who are there. See you soon. love ya.
