Monday, July 27, 2009

So...I just got back from outreach this past weekend! The Knoxville girls got to come with us and Kat from England! It was a lot of fun, but very exhausting as most outreaches are!! :) We started the journey out having to switch trucks an hour into the drive because our truck was not taking the hills very well ha. We then arrived at the village when it was dark out and then had to set up tents in the DARK! Ha again!!!! So... while the Jesus film was being shown, we gathered together and prayed for radical encounters from Heaven on each Mozambican life that was there that night. After the movie, we all put into practice our very poco Makua and asked, "una pela ew swalelia," do you need prayer. I prayed for several people that seemed to have head aches and back pain. They each claimed that they were healed after praying... I just pray that they understand it was Jesus who healed them not anyone of us. The remainder of outreach consisted of: hanging with the village kids, praying over land that will soon have a church built on it, playing games, and telling stories with the Mozambican pastors. It was a very sweet time, but one that I was okay to have come to a close.

I have a few prayer requests...Midu, my favorite baby ever, has been running a fever and has junk coming out of his ears. Please be praying for healing on his little body. Two, I am struggling with this whole thing about preparing to come home. On most trips when you prepare to come home you leave within a few days. However, here my heart is being prepared for something that is still a couple weeks away. I want to be all here while I am here, but as I prepare my heart I get into the mind set of okay I am leaving soon... please be praying that I will find that balance of soaking up every second that I have here, but also being able to go to that place of what is next...Thank you so much!!

I love each of you!!! We are doing skits in class tomorrow on our favorite missionary! My roommates and I have put together lyrics to the tune of the puppet show scene in The Sound of Music!! Haha I'll have somone film it so I can share it with you guys!!

Have an awesome week!! I will be seeing you all very soon!! Moluku Orena Waya.. God be with you!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

God Loves Us Very Specifically!!!

"I am desperate for you to be desperate for me!" -Jesus

"Our job is to carry radical mercy into the nations." Heidi spoke on this the other day in class and it really hit me. What does carrying radical mercy look like? I asked God to reveal to me what it would look like to live my life responding out of mercy instead of reacting out of my flesh. He has been teaching me each day something new. I have been waking up and praying that the Lord would soften my heart and show me how to show mercy. The amazing thing is, as we show mercy we receive mercy. What is even more amazing is, He gives us grace to receive mercy. Our Dad in heaven is so patient with us. Ahhh He is so good. He doesn't mind taking His time teaching us.

So, this past week the topic arose that none of us have wanted to talk about... "What day are you leaving?" It is so weird that we are almost to graduation. I would love to hug and squeeze each of you and have a hot shower, really a SHOWER in general, but other than that I could stay here forever. Life here is so simple and I love it so much. But, since it is inevitable, I have allowed myself to think about coming home and God has filled me with such excitement. I can not wait to apply all that He has shown me while here to my everyday life at home. I love you guys so much! I will be seeing you all very very soon!!!Your prayers and comments are so encouraging!

love you!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

As Deep Cries Out to Deep...

Wow.. I only have four weeks left and I feel like I need several more months here to soak and process all the Lord is doing in my heart. I just wanted to write a quick note asking each of you to be praying that these next four weeks would undo me more for His kingdom than the first six weeks combined. I am so hungry for Him and want to absorb every bit of teaching and experience here that I can.

We have been learning alot about the spirit of adoption and what it means to be a son of God. It is so awesome with every new speaker we get God puts on their hearts to expand on the spirit of adoption. God is doing some serious break through in all of our hearts... we are royalty....we are sons of the MOST HIGH KING! Just let that soak in!!! :) Wow!!!!

I would really appreciate prayer for these next four weeks especially. I know that as we are coming to a close it will be easy to believe the lies of the enemy that I have learned all I need to learn or that I am too tired to go to class or bla bla bla.. please be praying that the strength of the Lord will reign down onto each of us and that we will have open hearts that are ready to receive all the Lord has prepared for us!

Thank you so much for following me and praying for me! I love each of you and thank God for the blessing you all are to me!!!

Matthew 5:6