Thursday, June 25, 2009


Where do I begin. You know that you are in Pemba when you are standing quietly in a crowd, minding your own business, when a baby on the back of the woman in front of you pees on your foot. When your skin lightens a whole shade after a shower. When on the sixth day of no showering they announce we don’t have any water so continue using your baby wipes for four or five more days. Or when you are so excited that the roll you got for breakfast only has a few ants crawling on it instead of the whole ant family. HAHA Life here is just a little bit different, but I love every second of it!!

The Lord is definitely filling me with something new every session. On Monday, we were asked what our Isaacs are. I told the Lord that I was offering my entire self to Him, that I wanted to go wherever He willed me to go. He is all that I am longing for. He is all that I have ever wanted. He is everything and more that my heart is hoping for. Last night, we paired up and prayed together and prophesied over each other. The lord gave my friend a vision of a deep well that reaches to the core of the earth. It was at this well that she saw me standing turning the crank over and over and over and over, but the bucket was not coming as quickly as I wanted. I feel like this depicts where I am perfectly. With every turn of the crank God is teaching me something new about myself, His love for me, who He made me to be, and more. I can’t just go to the well and snap my fingers and have the sweetest water. It takes God’s touch and Him and I together will pull the bucket of the sweetest water to put to our lips. He is not in a hurry to transform me. It has been such a sweet intimate time allowing Him to romance my heart as He takes me deeper into His heart. I pray that He continues to take me deeper and deeper.

The very first day here I was at the toddler house and this little boy named Midu caught my eye. I went over to him and picked him up and kissed his cheek. He was a chunky little boy who acted like an old grumpy man. He wouldn’t smile, laugh, or even look into your eyes. He just sat by himself slouched over watching the other kids. I asked his Mama Tia what his story was and she said that he was two and half years old and that they had gotten him a few weeks prior. He looks like he is 8 or 9 months old, but because he was so malnourished he wasn’t growing. Since that day, I have gone to see him as much as I can. I hold him, kiss him, spin him around, sing to him, play games with him, yet he still seems so unhappy. I have been praying for God to fill him with HIS joy and love. I have seen small changes in him, like a smile here and there, but nothing to radical until yesterday. I went up to the toddler house for my normal check in and Midu was standing up walking around and SMILING! I picked him up and twirled him around and he LAUGHED. Then, we sat down and I sang “Our God is an Awesome God,” to him and he tried to sing with me. I just squeezed him tightly and praised God that He was beginning to melt his little heart. God knows the hearts of His children, He just asks us to love and trust that He knows what He is doing.

I love and miss you guys! Thank you for reading and praying. I am going on outreach this weekend. Please be praying as we prepare emotionally and physically to go.

John 14:18

Friday, June 12, 2009

Oh how He loves us....

HEY HEY!! I can not believe I just finished my second week here. The first couple of days went by very slowly but now the days are speeding by so fast. God just keeps reminding me BE HERE RIGHT NOW.. ahhh He is so awesome! This past week we had Randy Clark, David Hogan, and Heidi Baker speak to us. Wow is the only word that I can say to express their messages to us. David Hogan spent a couple of days sharing all the miraculous healing the Lord has allowed his eyes to see over the years. He shared this one story of this man who had gone to save a widow who was stuck in her house during a bad flood and on his way back with her he stepped on a thorn in the water that went straight through his foot. By the time he had gotten to dry land his foot was a nasty color due to the gangrene that was developing. They rushed him to the clinic where his foot was cut off. The wife of this man turns to David Hogan and says, "I want my foot back." David replies, "listen lady that is impossible I can't do anything about it." The lady hits him and exclaims, "you have been preaching to us that the Holy Ghost in us gives us power to do anything in Jesus' name.. I want my foot back in Jesus' name right now!" So, David Hogan replied, "okay one foot here you come!" David called his team and for the next 3 weeks they took shifts praying and fasting over this man's foot and on the 3rd week David returned to the man for his prayer shift and watched with his own eyes this mans foot GROW BACK!! I am not making this up and neither is he it is the power of the HOLY SPIRIT in us!!

Hearing a story like this makes me step back and ask myself do I believe God's word or do I believe man. I am praying right now that God will help me to believe and to have this kind of Faith and discipline to seek after HIM until HE has restored whatever the enemy has tried to destroy!

my time is up on the internet .... :( but I love each of you and feel all your prayers surrounding me!!! Have a blessed day and I will write again very soon!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

SALAMA!!!! hello in Makua!!

Suprise!! The Lord suprised me today with an hour gap to walk down to the Nautilus, a resort just ten minutes from the base with internet, to email back home! He is so good! As I am sitting here rereading my journal I am not sure what to even write.. my heart really does feel like it is in overload with all that I have already heard and seen.

Yesterday, we went to the village to invite people to the conference we are having today where Heidi and Randy will be speaking and then we will be serving lunch and having worship. The village is a bunch of grass huts and alot of broken Muslim people. I would walk around and greet all the kids with hugs and Salama... Moo Havo.. (hello How are you?) Their faces would light up and then they would continue on the walk with me and the rest of my team. The whole time I kept singing "He loves us.. oh how." I live in a nice house, have all the food and water I want + more while these people live in a hut with holes in the ceiling, sleep on a grass mat and have dirt floors and their children wear rags and eat once a day IF that. Back home I don't know what it means to TRUST Him to provide every need I have. These people, the ones that do know Him, rely on Him to provide EVERYTHING. I have been asking myself what will it take to bring me to that desperate place? "Hungry I come to you for I know you satisfy!" Then God pricked my heart and reminded me that in the states we are spiritually starving, our souls are poor and needy. Yes, we may have all that we need on the outside but on the inside we are more poor than these families who sleep in boxes on the dirt floor. My prayer then began to change to Lord draw me closer to your heart so that I may live following the rhythm of your heart.. If I am following His heart beat then my soul is being filled by HIS spriritual food. That is my prayer for everyone back home. I pray that we will be filled by HIS spiritual food that satisfies and leaves us hungry for MORE OF HIS KINGDOM not anything of this world.

I feel like I have been here a month but I have only been here a week. It is crazy to me to think about how much time I have left here and all that God is going to do in the weeks that follow. Please be praying I am filled with His joy and peace. I woke up a couple of times this week just exhausted and feeling empty.

A huge praise.... Kelly and I talked to our friend Angie about speaking in tongues and just all this bazar stuff. She really encouraged us to allow God to work in His time. To not feel frustrated because we are not worshipping Him the way everyone else is but to find rest in where HE has us right now. Just as God did in Song of Solomon and pulled away from the woman to increase her faith, I feel like that is what He is doing in me now.. He has pulled away only to increase my desperate cry for more of HIM. So please be praying that I will press deeper into HIM even if it is quite... HE IS THERE..HE just longs for me to go deeper into His heart.

LOVE YOU and MISS EACH OF YOU very much!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I made it!!!

Thank you so much for all of your prayers!! Internet here is a pain in the butt so I won't be able to get on much which makes me sad but I think God has something up His sleeve.

I was not even at school 24 hours before i was being exposed to the most out of this world stuff. Praying in tongues, drunken in the spirit, healings, rolling around in the dirt on fire, fire tunnel, praying over every door and window in our house with annointing oil!!! I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO OVERWHELMED BY JESUS BEFORE!

This place is alive!!! The kingdom is now!!! We had our first day of school yesterday where Randy Clark and Heidi Baker spoke to us about stopping for the one! How if we all stopped for the one there would not be children on the streets starving and in rags, how if we stopped for the one there would not be so many struggling with depression and feeling alone. We then had this intense worship time where students were falling on the floor screaming in tongues.

Um... Please be praying that my heart is open to whatever the Lord wills to show me while here. I am really overwhelmed right now and just trying to process, but I feel HIM saying stop processing just be and let me wreck you the way I have planned. That scares the crap out of me! I want to be even more on fire for His kindgom but everyone here keeps telling me that HE is going to wreck me... I don't like that.. that is very very very very very uncomfortable! But I think this has been the cry of my heart for quite a while now. I feel like HE wants to take me to the next "level" of worshiping and living all out for Him. Please pray I allow HIM too.

On a different note, we fed over 2500 kids on Monday. I washed the hands of each one of them and prayed for God to stir in their hearts. While we were having school, one of the kids that I had washed his hands the day prior came up to me and sat on my lap I began praying so hard for him and next thing I knew my arm was feeling drips ... I thought it was snot.. but then I looked at his eyes and he was weeping!! My heart broke and we both just sat and I rocked him and spoke the two words in Makua that I knew to him. AHHHH God is so awesome..

internet time is up.. I love each of you and can not thank you enough for your prayers!!